Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A new day, a new product.

Since my last blog life has been crazy. Keeping up with the kids, their activities, and life in general is proving to be a large and chaotic mess!!

On the business front life has not been any easier. It's no secret that I love a challenge and boy, has this week provided. The old saying of "be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it". Well, that has been the theme of this week. I am not a real patient person and somehow my brain believes that if I stay over-prepared so will the rest of the world. Much to my disappointment, that is not always the case.

This week I have had several orders, three new product requests, and two charitable donations. I try to keep on top of things by doing what my husband calls "obsessing". It is my personal belief that once I have agreed to take an order or donate products I should have it done within a few days, or less. For example; I recieved an order from Ireland this week. The lady let me know that she needed the item quickly, so I finished it and mailed it within 24 hours. Don't even ask about the shipping, OMG!!

So, all of this boils down to my lesson learned. Take a deep breath, make the husband put the kids to bed, put on a pot of coffee, and obsess all night long! At least I get my work done:)

New Mommy advice for the week:

Buy two times the diapers that you think you will need for the next week. Worst case senario, your darling bundle of joy has blowout and you are prepared. Best case senario, you won't have to go to the store as often as you thougt, allowing you to go another day with no makeup!
P.S. don't forget the wipes.

Established Mommy advice for the week:

When you find yourself doubting your parenting skills (we all do at some point) remember that kids do not come with an instruction manual. On that same note also remember that someone on ebay or etsy or something like it must make toddler straight jackets, hey wait a minute...that could be another new product idea:) lol.

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